Gosh...time is just flying by! Last week I had the granddaughters here with me during the day while Brian had another round of ca
ncer treatments in San Francisco. This was a really hard one for him..some nasty reactions. The good part is....they are working!! He will have a couple weeks home then back again. The good thing is...he gets to go to Rhonda's class reunion but the bad thing is....he has treatment on his birthday. I can't imagine going through all he has gone through, but he has never complained and has such a positive outlook. He is an inspiration to all of us!

The girls kept busy last week working on puzzles. They put two 500 piece ones together and a 300 piece one. Lexi finished reading Twilight and of course they got in their computer time! They are both growing up so fast....and fun to have around (until they fight..LOL!!)

Of course I have to share a picture of the three little kittens!! They too are growing up so fast and now starting to make me not happy! They love to chase each other...climb, etc and find my flowers quite appealing to play in!! Now I know why I never wanted kittens..but they are cute! Not sure what I will do with them soon but don't want more kittens down the road!! Still no takers!! I do have a very good plan though but not sure if it will work! Deb is coming down in July and I KNOW she LOVES cats so maybe she will feel sorry for them and me...and take one or two home with her...just a thought Deb!! For some reason the love to sleep together in this pot...thought it was cute of them.
Well...tomorrow I plan to seriously get back to my sewing. I have things started for the Christmas Goose..along with a naked doll which I am contemplating making it into an Uncle Sam. If not...maybe he will be a santa for the Goose...not sure. At any rate time is wasting and I need to get busy as the summer will be over before I know it.
This week our grandson Shane turns 20 and then in another week leaves for boot camp in the Air Force. I know it will be a hard week for our daughter Deb (Dollgivers Attic)..but also know she is very proud of him....as we all are!! If you follow her blog you will find some pictures of the party she had for him yesterday.