As you can see from this beautiful weeping cherry tree...it is spring here in northern California! It was given to us when my mom passed away and is a wonderful memory of her every year it blooms! For those who live in the areas of the country still snowed in....we have leaves on our trees already!

I did manage to get another rabbit listed this week on ebay. I sold one today but not for nearly what I got last year. With the economy in the tank...I just feel lucky if I manage to sell my dolls at all! This one has no bids yet but there are a couple days left so will see!! She may end up in my shop for the next week! Not sure where I will go from here. Can't seem to come up with any ideas on what to make next. I have named this one April, probably the last one I make for the season.
A follow up on our son-in-law Brian. He is now home from his third round of treatments. He has a week at home, then back for his fourth and last round. Each round seems to be harder on him so we pray he can get through this last one with at least the five he has been able to take. So...prayers are still needed.
Yesterday my daughter, Rhonda, and I went Easter shopping. We had a nice day at the mall, had a light lunch then shopped some more. I found some great things at my favorite store...Christopher & Banks. Of course two were in my favorite colors...black! Now I have to wonder, can you wear black for Easter!! I see it out there but for some reason always seems like a winter color. We will be in Montana for Easter so maybe black would be appropriate since they are having a winter snow storm tonight and more expected through the week! It was in the 80's here yesterday so hard to imagine!